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Peptides VS Sarms

July 14, 2024
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In some circles people might use the terms “peptides” and “SARMs” interchangeably, but, even though they might share some similar actions, they are very different. Peptides and SARMs are two of the most talked-about supplements these days and for a reason! But do you know what they are and what the difference between them is? Read on to find out!

In the following paragraphs, we’re going to explain what are peptides, what are SARMs, and what are the main differences between them. 

What are Peptides?

We talked a lot about what are peptides in some of the previous posts on our blog, so we won’t go into too much detail (if you want to read more about peptides you can check out this blog post – What Are Peptides?).

In short, peptides are chains of amino acids, 2 to 50 in length. Most importantly, peptides are substances occurring naturally within our body and performing a whole host of different functions and signalling effects.

Common Types of Peptides

The most used peptides are:

  • Ipamorelin,
  • CJC-1295 and
  • TB-500

What are SARMS?

Now, moving on to the SARMs. SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are designed to have similar properties like anabolic steroids but with minimized effects on prostate and skin

Notice the word “designed”… this is what makes SARMs different to peptides. Of course, there are a lot of synthetic peptides on the market, produced and used in the lab, but peptides were structures already present within our body, while SARMs were designed to act as anabolic steroids (naturally produced within our body in the adrenal glands).

Common Types of SARMs

The most common types include:

  • Ostarine (MK-2866)
  • Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and
  • Andraine (S4).

SARMs Mechanism Of Action

SARMs act by selectively binding and activating the specific androgen receptor within the body. This way, only the receptors are activated and no other tissue is affected (which results in far less side effects and problems typically associated with taking anabolic steroids).

One might think SARMs only make the receptors more active, thus allowing the body to bind more androgen hormones, but that’s not how they work. They bind to the receptors and mimic the effect of naturally occurring hormones within our body (like testosterone).

By doing this, SARMs induce the anabolic effect, such as increased muscle mass and protein synthesis. In essence, they “trick” the body and “make” it go into a heightened state of increased muscle mass development.

The Difference Between Peptides VS SARMs – It’s Not A Simple Comparison

From what we’ve learned so far, there really is not much comparison between peptides and SARMs. However, let’s take a closer look at the main differences between these two.

Differences In Origin And Structure

Peptides are built up of amino acid chains and are naturally produced within our body. On the other hand, SARMs are entirely synthetic, designed in a lab and built up of small molecules specifically designed to bind to androgen receptors.

Differences In Mechanism Of Action

SARMs were built in a lab with one specific purpose – to induce an anabolic state within our body, while minimizing (eliminating) side effects commonly associated with taking anabolic steroids, such as skin and prostate problems.

Peptides are naturally occurring compounds within our body and have numerous vital functions including:

  • Hormonal regulation
  • Neurotransmission
  • Immune system regulation
  • Cell signaling
  • Metabolism regulation
  • Tissue restructuring
  • Muscle development and repair
  • Transport and storage

Differences in Application

Though SARMs are currently used (misused) to build muscles and improve one’s physique, they were primarily developed to fight muscle wasting diseases.

Peptides are mostly being used in labs for medical diagnostics and research (just like the ones we sell on currently).

Legal Status

The last difference is in legal status. In the United States, SARMs are not approved for human use and can be used only as research chemicals, while peptides are more accessible. Moreover, you can legally purchase them for research or medical purposes.

Are Peptides or SARMs Steroids?

We briefly touched on this topic when we discussed whether peptides are steroids. In that article, we clearly stated that peptides are not steroids – they differ in structure and mechanism of action.

When it comes to SARMs, we also gave an answer to this question in the “SARMs Mechanism Of Action” section where we said that SARMs are not anabolic steroids, they are substances that just mimic them and “trick” our body into an anabolic state.

So, to answer this question definitely, neither peptides nor SARMs are steroids.

Regulatory Status of Peptides and SARMs (and the majority of online distributors), sell only peptides for laboratory use. Our products are meant to be used in a lab for various research and diagnostic purposes. Though, of course, there are peptides being used to treat various medical conditions (such as insulin).

SARMs have yet to be approved by regulatory bodies to be used in both medicinal/treatment purposes. Though some people use them without prescription or medical supervision, we do not condone these practices and urge all’s readers and customers to adhere to the FDA guidelines.


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